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Weddings at Christ Church Tunstall

Wedding Christ Church Tunstall
Wedding Christ Church Tunstall
Wedding Christ Church Tunstall
Getting married at Christ Church


Christ Church holds to the traditional teaching of the Church with regard

to marriage, that it is for life and between a man and a woman.


If either prospective bride or groom has been married before and has a spouse living it is not possible to be married at Christ Church. â€‹


Many couples marry in their own local church, but in 2008 the Church of England changed its law so that a couple can marry in a church away from where they live because it has special significance for them through family or other connections.

An engaged couple can now do that if either of them can show one of the seven connections with the parish listed below (what is called a qualifying connection).


You are entitled to be married at Christ Church if at least one of you:


  • has at any time lived in the parish for a period of at least 6 months or

  • was baptised in the parish or

  • was prepared for confirmation in the parish or

  • has at any time regularly gone to normal church services in the parish church for a period of at least 6 months.


Or that one of your parents, at any time after you were born:

  • has lived in the parish for a period of at least 6 months or

  • has regularly gone to normal church services in the parish church for a period of at least 6 months.


Or that one of your parents or grandparents was married in the parish.


To find out which is your parish church please follow this link and enter you postcode.

How to book a wedding

If you meet the above criteria then please come along to the Sunday 10am Mass to have a look at the church, to talk to Fr John Stather, the parish priest and to discuss possible dates etc.

The Reading of Banns

If you are getting married at another church and need your banns of marriage reading then please come to the Sunday 10am Mass and the necessary paperwork can be filled in afterwards. If you are not able to attend Mass due to work commitments, then please make an appointment with Fr John. Banns cannot be read until the paperwork is completed and signed.


If either of you (or both if you have a qualifying connection to marry at Christ Church) lives in a different parish then you need to have banns read at your own parish church which can be found by following this link.


Once banns have been read they are valid for 3 months, so they need to be read a maximum of 3 months before your wedding.


The banns will be read on 3 consecutive Sundays and the certificate will be available to collect after Mass on the 3rd Sunday.


The 2024 fee for the Reading of Banns costs for £54, including a certificate which you will need to provide for the church in which you are marrying.


If you are getting married at Christ Church and both of you live within the parish boundary then you do not need to worry about banns as they will be read for you.

Wedding Bouquet Christ Church Tunstall
Wedding FAQs


How much will the wedding cost?

In 2024 the cost of a wedding at Christ Church is £567.


The main wedding fees are set each year nationally, so the fees for a wedding booked for next year or the year after will be slightly higher.


Can we have bells rung at our wedding?

Yes - you can have the bells rung or after the service or before and after. Bells before or after - £180

Bells before and after - £220


What about flowers?

The parish has a dedicated and skilled team of flower arrangers who can speak to you about what you would like and show you photos of previous arrangements and talk about your budget. You can also use your own florist if you would prefer.


What about confetti?

You are free to use confetti in the church grounds, but please do try to keep it away from the church doors as it tends to get trodden into church carpets after! 


Can we write our own vows?

This isn't possible, as the wedding vows are a legal part of the ceremony and cannot be altered. However you may choose music, hymns, readings and poems to make your special day memorable.


Any other questions?

Please click here to send any questions to Fr John.

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